These Core Competencies describe the knowledge needed to provide trauma-informed, developmentally sensitive services to young children and their families
Professionals working in the Child and Family Service System will be able to:
K1. Identify/describe key signs, symptoms, impact and manifestations of trauma, disrupted attachment, and childhood adversity in children and in adults
K2. Explain how behaviors, including those that appear to be “problems” or symptoms often reflect trauma-related coping skills individuals need to protect themselves and survive.
K3. Describe the domains and stages of normal childhood development from infancy through adolescence (brain, social, emotional, cognitive, physical) and how they can be affected by trauma, abuse, adversity and stress
K4. Describe local resources for trauma specific treatment and trauma informed services for children and their families
K5. Define trauma informed and trauma specific care, including knowing the key elements of a trauma informed system and being familiar with evidence based trauma treatment models.
K6. Explain the relationship between trauma, adversity and disrupted attachment in the child/caregiver relationship
K7. Describe the multi-generational nature of trauma and childhood adversity.
K8. Define re-traumatization and identify ways that children and their families can be retraumatized/triggered by the systems and services designed to help them.