Current Uses of the Competencies

At present, the MC Competencies are being used to guide development of new training programs and curricula in the public children’s services system in Philadelphia.  Additionally, existing community and agency based training on trauma and related topics are being mapped to the MC Competencies. In the near future, information about where to find training that meets the MC Competencies will be found on the MC Website  Organizations will also be encouraged to use the competencies to develop performance standards, job descriptions, self-assessments and performance evaluations.  

Fortunately, there is significant momentum and growth in the field of trauma informed care and other related areas such as resilience/protective factors, strength based practice, developmentally appropriate care and early childhood education – as such it is expected that the MC competencies will change as we learn more about how to prevent and intervene to reduce the impact of trauma on children and families and strategies to create trauma informed systems of care.  

Please visit the Multiplying Connections website, to provide us with feedback and input on the MC Competencies and information about how you are using them.